Primer Trimestre


Durante este curso el sistema cambia un poco de manera que seguirenos trabajando de manera autónoma en casa los contenidos propios del temario. El sistema es una  aproximación al modelo Flipped Classroom en el cual se trabajan de manera previa en casa unos contenidos, de manera que las dudas se plantean en clase.

Además el trabajo del portfolio va a ser más denso en los dos primeros trimestres debido a que en el tercer trimestre nos dedicaremos casi exclusivamente a la exposición de trabajos y a realizar la fase final de las pruebas físicas.

El trabajo que se confeccionará tras el primer trimestre y que se entregará durante el segundo (ya se anunciarán las características y las fechas) se expondrá durante el tercer trimestre. Solo será obligatorio la presentación del warn-up en inglés aunque si alguno lo desea puede usar el idioma en toda la exposición. (Debe tener en cuenta en ese caso que los compañeros deben entenderle teniendo que usar mayor apoyo visual con gestos, etc)

Como en los cursos anteriores vamos a trabajar usando el inglés como lengua vehicular usando recursos en este idioma.

El blog se constituye así en el libro de texto por lo que su visita continuada es altamente recomendable. Los quizzes que se presentan en las unidades también contarán para la nota.

Comencemos como siempre recordando las reglas básicas de la clase Physical Education (PE).

Safety Respect Responsability

Folow the P.E. field rules

Listen to and follow directions

Finished? Pick- up all equipment

Do approved activities

No food on the field

Leave your schoolbag and other things close to the fence and wall

Use equipment safely Clean up any trush Help others in need

Have fun while NOT hurting others

Encourage others

Dress properly every P.E. day

Report unsafe conditions

Praise those who do their best, good or bad.



  • The Skeletal System

Listen to and read this article


Take a quiz (día, hora y forma de hacerlo se comunicará en clase).

Take a Quiz (fecha, hora y forma se comunicará en clase)


Our health depens on healthy habits

Here are five rules to live by, if you’re a kid who wants to be fit. The trick is to follow these rules most of the time, knowing that some days (like your birthday) might call for cake and ice cream.

Eat a Variety of Foods

You may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to eat a variety. If you eat different foods, you’re more likely to get the nutrients your body needs. Taste new foods and old ones you haven’t tried for a while. Some foods, such as green veggies, are more pleasing the older you get. Shoot for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day — two fruits and three vegetables.

Here’s one combination that might work for you:

  • at breakfast: ½ cup (about 4 large) strawberries on your cereal
  • with lunch: 6 baby carrots
  • for a snack: an apple
  • with dinner: ½ cup broccoli (about 2 big spears) and 1 cup of salad

Drink Water & Milk

When you’re really thirsty, cold water is the best thirst-quencher. And there’s a reason your school cafeteria offers cartons of milk. Kids need calcium to build strong bones, and milk is a great source of this mineral. How much do kids need? If you are younger than 9 years old, drink 2 cups of milk a day, or its equivalent. If you’re older than 9 years old, aim for 3 cups of milk per day, or its equivalent. You can mix it up by having milk and some other calcium-rich dairy foods. Here’s one combination:

  • 2 cups (about half a liter) of low-fat or nonfat milk
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • ½ cup (small container) of yogurt

You probably will want something other than milk or water once in a while, so it’s OK to have 100% juice, too. But try to limit sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches. They contain a lot of added sugar. Sugar just adds calories, not important nutrients.

Listen to Your Body

What does it feel like to be full? When you’re eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Sometimes, people eat too much because they don’t notice when they need to stop eating. Eating too much can make you feel uncomfortable and, over a period of time, can lead to unhealthy weight gain.

Limit Screen Time

What’s screen time? It’s the amount of time you spend watching TV or DVDs, playing video games (console systems or handheld games), and using the computer. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time available for active stuff, like basketball, bike riding, and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time, not counting computer use related to school.

Be Active

One job you have as a kid — and it’s a fun one — is that you get to figure out which activities you like best. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your passion is karate, or kickball, or dancing. Ask your parents to help you do your favorite activities regularly. Find ways to be active every day. You might even write down a list of fun stuff to do, so you can refer to it when your mom or dad says it’s time to stop watching TV or playing computer games!

Speaking of parents, they can be a big help if you want to be a fit kid. For instance, they can stock the house with healthy foods and plan physical activities for the family. Tell your parents about these five steps you want to take and maybe you can teach them a thing or two. If you’re a fit kid, why shouldn’t you have a fit mom and a fit dad?

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